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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my epoxy freezes?
We do not recommend storing epoxy below 15°C. However, if your kit is frozen during shipping, we recommend that you allow it to come up to room temperature before using. Inspect for any signs of crystallization, and if applicable, follow the steps in ‘What do I do if I see crystals in my epoxy?’.
What are EcoPoxy products made from?
We use conventional epoxy ingredients and quality raw materials to formulate our resin systems. EcoPoxy works hard to increase bio-content by sourcing raw materials made from annually renewable resources instead of petroleum-based sources.
Why did my epoxy overheat and turn yellow?
Epoxy releases heat when curing. EcoPoxy makes recommendations for maximum project volumes and/or thicknesses to allow projects to shed heat efficiently and  prevent overheating and yellowing. If the recommended maximum pour depth and volume are exceeded, the epoxy will not be able to shed heat quickly enough, and the temperature will increase uncontrollably. Cure temperatures that reach 100°C (212°F) for extended periods are known to cause yellowing, and extremely high temperatures can cause epoxy to amber and form cracks. If a deeper pour is required for a project, it is recommended to pour multiple layers to build up to the desired final thickness.
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How Thick Can I Pour FlowCast Epoxy Resin?

Maximum pour thickness for single pours or pouring multiple layers for a thicker epoxy product.

When using epoxy resins, it is important to understand that when the two parts of resin (Part A) and hardener (Part B) are combined, it creates a chemical reaction that produces heat during the curing process. For this reason, it’s very important to control the temperature and follow the instructions on the labels whether you’re using our FlowCast® or any of our other epoxies.

For EcoPoxy FlowCast®, our maximum recommended thickness per layer is 1.5 inches. This recommendation is under the assumption that:

  • The room temperature is stable between 65-75 degrees F
  • You have a fan set up on your project to cool it during the cure
  • The volume of your pour is less than 20L

A beautiful teal tropical ocean colored ocean table made from burl islands, FlowCast®, and EcoPoxy Liquid Color Pigments.

Pouring Multiple Layers for a Thicker Epoxy Product

If your epoxy pour is too thick, the reaction can create too much heat, resulting in a product that does not cure properly with cracks or excessive bubbles. You can pour the next layer after the previous pour has gone through its heat cycle, which is usually around 24 hours. The rule of thumb is if you can make an imprint with your fingernail in the epoxy you can pour again and the epoxy will chemically bond to the previous layer. If you’ve passed that point, sand the surface of the previous layer with 180-220 grit sandpaper. This creates a rough surface for the next layer of epoxy to stick to. Once sanded, clean the surface with an alcohol-based cleaner like de-natured alcohol to remove all the dust from sanding. After that, you’re good to pour!

How do I get a perfectly flat UVPoxy coating on top of a wood surface?

In order to obtain a perfectly flat and level epoxy coating, the surface under the coating also must be flat and level. Natural features in wood surfaces, such as knots, cracks, and areas with larger pores, can absorb more resin than surrounding areas. This results in indentations and low spots. If your work surface has any of these features, 2-3 seal coats may be required to fully seal the surface. Apply the first seal coat, sand with 220 grit sandpaper, and wipe down. Examine the surface carefully to confirm that all voids have been filled and the surface is flat. If this surface is not smooth, seal coat and sand again, repeating as many times as required until the surface is perfectly flat and level. Then, continue to the flood coat.

Can I use a Power Mixer to mix UVPoxy?

Using a power mixer is not advised. UVPoxy should be mixed by hand. Mix with a stir stick and stir deliberately, but do not whip the resin. Doing so introduces excess air into the mixed resin, which makes it difficult to achieve a bubble-free final project.

Will my UVPoxy project yellow over time?

All epoxies yellow over time. To combat this, we formulated UVPoxy with UV stabilizers. These additives absorb UV light and prevent damage to the resin. Eventually, the stabilizers will lose their effectiveness. Adding metallic or liquid pigments to UVPoxy will help it resist yellowing better than if it is left transparent. Completed projects should not be kept outdoors.

Do I need a seal coat for UVPoxy? What product do you recommend?

We recommend seal coating any surfaces that will be coated with UVPoxy. Once cured, seal coats help prevent air and moisture from migrating out of substrate materials, which can cause bubbles. UVPoxy is the preferred system for seal coats.

Can I apply a coating thicker than 3.2mm (1/8”)?

We do not recommend attempting to apply UVPoxy coatings greater than 3.2mm (1/8”). Thicker applications will cure too quickly to allow air bubbles to rise to the surface. To achieve a thicker coating, applying multiple layers of UVPoxy is recommended.

Can I apply UVPoxy in multiple layers?

Yes, UVPoxy can be applied in multiple layers. Additional layers should be poured when the previous layer has reached set to touch. To prepare the epoxy surface for the next layer, scuff the surface with 220 grit sandpaper. Remove excess dust and debris, then wipe clean with denatured or isopropyl alcohol. You can then pour the next layer.

What kind of projects can I use UVPoxy for?

UVPoxy can be used as a clear coating or be pigmented and used to create fluid art using techniques such as:

  • Dirty Pour
  • Beach Scenes
  • Marbling
  • Florals
  • Swipes
  • Dutch Pour